Friday, July 01, 2005

L-Po and HP

I'm thinking I made a mistake with my name ... L-Po. I think it's too much like Alpo. Arf! This blog is a dog.

There is a series of commercials advertising Hewlett-Packard's Photosmart line, the ones where you don't know if it's real or a photo, and the guy keeps putting frames in front of his face or over his head. Totally creeps me out. Spouse and child love the commercials. Must be that Y-chromosome rearing its ugly head again.

This blogging thing ... how are you really supposed to do it? Is it supposed to be stream of consciousness? Do I run to my blog everytime I think something that remotely entertains me? Are you supposed to have something well-crafted and profound before you post? Perhaps the child who led me to blogdom will be able to enlighten me. I will let you know what he says.


Anonymous said...

L-Po could be a Chinese philospher. Is that who you are? In this life? Or a previous life? Or in a life to come?

L-Po said...

Dear Anonymous,

What a nice spin you have put on my screen name! However, it is spin, isn't it, my dear?

L-Po, the Suspicious

Anonymous said...

i never spin. it makes me dizzy. i just go where my mind takes me. to apollo college. sing it with me! to apollo college.